Thursday, 19 May 2016

Oh no!! Big boo boo :-(

So I made a HUGEEEEE mistake...

I finally got round to doing the permanent decoration in the new outworld. I took the red acetate off the test tube to make it light and help encourage them to move out and into the permanant nest.

The test tube is already going mouldy and mingin so I wondered how to encourage Betty to move out. I figured that if the water started to dry out they would look for a new nest (my nice new antkit nest being the plan). 

There's loads of water left so there's no way the test tube was drying out soon. I read you can use a pipette to suck water out through the cotton wool...great I thought. That'll help, along with shining a light into the test tube.

So in I go with my pipette, but I couldn't suck anything but air through the cotton wool. So I pressed harder in the cotton wool, but the end of the pipette collapsed and I've ended up killing 2 workers and injuring Betty :-(

They have abandoned ship and I've managed to get them to go into the tube that leads to the new nest, and at last check they'd taken 2 larvae into the tube with them. She has part of her bum sticking out. 

I hope she survives :-( but even if she does, I'm not sure whether there will be any more eggs laid. It certainly won't be for a long time :-(

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